Charity at Penn Group
We all need some help in our lifetimes. Some more than others.
Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.
Our day job is to provide our clients with great service and holistic advice in all areas of professional services we are experts in. Everything we do for charity is for the soul, and more enjoyable, if we feel we have been able to make a difference in people's lives.
We are committed to giving something back to society in our own little way.
Penn Group pledge to pay at least £5,000 per year to charitable institutions, preferably those that are smaller and may not get as much exposure as the big organisations do.
We want to see that the money that we pledge helps directly to a specific cause wherever possible.
The money is raised by challenging activities and any shortfall is made up from our own funds. That is our commitment and we intend to honour it every year.
Please help us help others, where you can and how you can.

Penn Chambers Solicitors completed the Will Aid season 2022 and have raised £2,050.00 in 2023. The total donations to date by Penn Chambers Solicitors over the period of two years is now £18,310.00 for all the nine Will Aid Charities, and we could not be more proud of this achievement. 2023 Will Aid season has had a slow start to it, but we have additionally raised £200.00.
Saan Popat from Penn Financial is running the London Marathon on 23.04.2023 for COSMIC charity - and raised over £3,000.00 for this worthy cause.
Team Penn took part in the Color Obstacle Rush to raise funds for the charity In Memory of Dorothy "Joyce" Aslett helping Emma Aslett to raise funds for Parkinsons' Charity, currently, she has raised over £1,000.00.
Suited & Booted is a charity based in the City of London. Public agencies refer vulnerable, unemployed and low-income men to them, and S&B help them get into employment by providing suitable interview clothing donated by companies and professionals.
Our Quarter 4 charity is the Islington Veterans Association (IVA) and they have received a donation of £1,250.00.
And HLN Christmas Charity to support children with developing their literacy skills: £500.00
In 2021 we exceeded our £5000.00 target by over £3500 with the help of all of you. And we aim for the same in 2022 - we continue to recognise the increasing need for help and support and we pledge to pay at least £5,000 to charitable institutions. In 2022 we continue to support veterans and we add other charitable institutions to the mix. Supporting 9 different charities by taking part in Will Aid 2022.
April: £325 was raised at HLN to support Help and Hope for the Homeless Charity.
Christmas Charity Raffle took place on 14.12.2022 and we raised £225.00 to feed the homeless over Christmas.
December: Islington Veterans Association receiving £1,250 and supporting the work they do.

January: The Veterans Charity
This will be funded entirely by Penn Chambers Solicitors, £1,250 received by The Veterans Charity.
January to July: VIA Charity Alive Challenge - team Penn took part in 100k a month challenge to raise funds - total raised and donated: £950 to support the charity.
September to November: Will Aid
We raised £9,620 for Will Aid partner charities between September 2021 and March 2023 and that is an impressive result considering the size of our firm, also making us the highest donating new firm to Will Aid in 2021 and on a national level, the 8th highest donating firm. All of the funds raised will have helped the charities to continue the vital work they do and help and support where and when it is needed the most. Well done Emma Aslett and the team at Penn Chambers.
December: Islington Veterans Association received £1,250 from Penn Chambers Solicitors.
Additional £225 was raised at the Hexagon Legal Network Christmas Dinner and donated to support Centre 404.

March: The Veterans Charity
Shak Inayat, our Principal Solicitor ran the Victoria Park Half Marathon on 07 March 2020. Penn Chambers donated £1,250 from its own funds to The Veterans Charity.
July 2020 Virtual Run for the VIA Charity
Shak Inayat, our Principal Solicitor was to run the St Albans Half Marathon on 14 June 2020. With COVID-19, this was unfortunately cancelled. Trying times, where help is even more welcome, we decided to organise a Virtual Run for Veterans in Action Charity, for the whole team Penn to run. One thing led to another, and instead of just Team Penn only, we had over 30 people signed up for 12th July for Team Penn run for VIA Charity! #pennrunVIA
We raised and donated £2,240 (+ Gift Aid)
December: Islington Veterans Association received £1,250 from Penn Chambers Solicitors.

March: Help and Hope for the Homeless
Shak Inayat, our Principal Solicitor, ran the Waltham Cross Half Marathon. Penn Chambers has pledged to pay the entire sum of £1,250 for this event from its own funds.
June 2019: Havens Hospices
Shak Inayat ran the Southend Half Marathon in June 2019.
This was funded entirely by Penn Chambers Solicitors.
July: Haven House Children's Hospice
Team Penn & friends did a Tough Mudder
September: Keech Hospice Care and in honour and memory of Ian Passfield
Shak Inayat, our Principal Solicitor, ran the Harrow Half Marathon on 15 September 2019.
December: The Islington Veterans Association
Shak Inayat ran the Milton Keynes Half Marathon in December 2019.
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