This page gives you details of all the companies within Penn Group and the complaints procedures.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
A copy of our complaints procedure can be obtained free of charge from any of our offices for ANY company.
Complaints about service:
1. Penn Accounts Limited
Trading Name: Penn Accounts
A full copy of our complaints procedure can be obtained free of charge from any of our offices and can be viewed here.
2. Penn Chambers Limited
Trading Name: Penn Chambers Solicitors
A full copy of our complaints procedure can be obtained free of charge from any of our offices and can be viewed here.
3. Penn Group (Holdings) Limited
Trading Name: Penn Group
This company is not trading and is a holding only company.
4. Penn Financial Limited
Trading Name: Penn Financial
A full copy of our complaints procedure can be obtained free of charge from any of our offices and can be viewed here.
5. Penn Tech Limited
Trading Name: Penn Tech
A full copy of our complaints procedure can be obtained free of charge from any of our offices and can be viewed here.
6. Hexagon Legal Network Limited
Trading Name: Hexagon Legal
A full copy of our complaints procedure can be obtained free of charge from any of our offices and can be viewed here.
7. Penn Services Limited
Trading Name: Penn Services
A full copy of our complaints procedure can be obtained free of charge from any of our offices and can be viewed here.
Complaints About Data - ALL Companies
If you have a complaint about how we have cared for your data, we would appreciate an opportunity to deal with your concerns and offer solutions before you approach the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). If you do agree to that course of action (and you are not obliged to do so), please contact our IMO whose details are near the top of our privacy policy which can be found here.
You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk).
Our number for Penn Chambers is Z1234567
Our number of Penn Accounts is Z1148053
Our number for Penn Tech is ZA486266
Our number for Penn Financial is ZA748473
Our number for Hexagon Legal Network is ZA270639
Full information on data privacy can be found here.
How Do We Keep This Information Up To Date?
Penn Group will occasionally make changes and corrections to the above. If we believe that the changes are material, we’ll let you know by doing one (or more) of the following:
(1) posting the changes on our website site, or
(2) sending an email to you (if you are an existing client) informing you about the changes; or​​
(3) writing a letter to you (if you are an existing client) informing you about the changes.
Penn Group
Version 2.8